- surface film
- поверхностная плёнка
Краткий англо-русский словарь химмотологических терминов и выражений. - М.: ИЦ «ТЕХИНФОРМ» МАИ. Данилов А.М. . 2014.
Краткий англо-русский словарь химмотологических терминов и выражений. - М.: ИЦ «ТЕХИНФОРМ» МАИ. Данилов А.М. . 2014.
surface film — paviršinė plėvelė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. surface film vok. Oberflächenfilm, m rus. поверхностная плёнка, f pranc. film superficiel, m; pellicule superficielle, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
surface film — A monomolecular film of organic compounds forming on water or grain surfaces [16] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
Surface tension — Sur face ten sion (Physics) That property, due to molecular forces, which exists in the surface film of all liquids and tends to bring the contained volume into a form having the least superficial area. The thickness of this film, amounting to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
surface tension — n the attractive force exerted upon the surface molecules of a liquid by the molecules beneath that tends to draw the surface molecules into the bulk of the liquid and makes the liquid assume the shape having the least surface area * * * the… … Medical dictionary
surface tension — ► NOUN ▪ the tension of the surface film of a liquid, which tends to minimize surface area … English terms dictionary
surface tension — Surface film on liquids caused by cohesion of the molecules of the liquid at the free surface … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
surface — n. & v. n. 1 a the outside of a material body. b the area of this. 2 any of the limits terminating a solid. 3 the upper boundary of a liquid or of the ground etc. 4 the outward aspect of anything; what is apparent on a casual view or… … Useful english dictionary
surface tension — noun the tension of the surface film of a liquid, which tends to minimize surface area … English new terms dictionary
surface tension — /ˈsɜfəs tɛnʃən/ (say serfuhs tenshuhn) noun a property of liquid or solid matter due to unbalanced molecular forces near a surface, and the measure thereof; an apparent tension in an actually non existent surface film associated with capillary… …
film superficiel — paviršinė plėvelė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. surface film vok. Oberflächenfilm, m rus. поверхностная плёнка, f pranc. film superficiel, m; pellicule superficielle, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
film — [ film ] n. m. • 1889; mot angl. « pellicule » 1 ♦ Pellicule photographique. Développer un film. Rouleau de film. ♢ (1896) Plus cour. Pellicule cinématographique; bande régulièrement perforée. Film de 35 mm (format professionnel). Films de format … Encyclopédie Universelle